SDMT Presents Native Speaker to Increase Bilingual Class Students’ English Language Skills
28 SDMT IV students of the bilingual class had the opportunity to meet face to face with Mr. Sean Hyink from America.
There are 4 groups of students, each group consists of 7 students, had the opportunity to meet Mr. Sean. There are 4 sessions available for 4 groups with a duration of around 60 minutes for each session.
SDMT Ponorogo has innovative steps in improving the quality of English language skills in bilingual classes by presenting native speakers. It is face-to-face meeting with Mr. Sean Hyink from America. This activity aims to provide experience and practice the English speaking skills of bilingual class students outside of learning.
28 bilingual class students were divided into four meeting sessions. Each meeting is approximately one hour long. Native speakers will carry out conversations with students, play together, sing, play games, and more.
The meeting time, said Ustadzah Afifah, the bilingual homeroom teacher, it depends on the native speaker’s schedule. Because, Mr. Sean Hyink has a formal schedule at another school institution.
The students study enthusiastically even though the activities with native speakers were held in the afternoon. Tiredness was invisible because of their enthusiasm.