Arza Prastya Won 2nd Place in Provincial Pildacil, Late Grandfather Becomes an Inspiration

At the end of his elementary school period, Arza Prastya Asy-Syauqi or who is often called Arza succeeded in making achievements at the East Java provincial level. He won 2nd place in the Pildacil, it is Little Dai Selection Competition or speech contest for kids at the 2024 Festival Anak Sholeh Muhammadiyah (Fashmu), Saturday (28/9/2024).
Before winning at the provincial level, Arza competed with many other participants at the district level. Success in winning at the district level finally brought him to the provincial level.
Following regional election competition is not Arza’s first experience. He has often participated in many competitions and succeeded in winning. The 2nd place trophy in Fashmu Competition adds to his long list of achievements.
Monday (30/9/2024) after the flag ceremony, Arza took the time to make a speech in front of hundreds of his friends. He conveyed the material he brought during the competition. He delivered the material loudly and boldly, hypnotizing his friends to focus on paying attention.
Her mother, Ika, admitted that Arza had often participated in competitions since kindergarten.
“Initially, it was a kindergarten tahfidz competition, then calistung because at that time he was still in kindergarten,” said Ika.
From that experience, Ika and her husband tried to encourage Arza to join competitions on more specific subject matter such as mathematics, science and English. Even though he is still at a very young age, this does not decrease his son’s enthusiasm to continue learning, seeking knowledge and experience.
First experience for Arza joining the speech competition was at the FLS2N event in 2023. Even though it was only the first experience, Arza won 1st place at Siman District and Ponorogo Regency levels.
“From there, Arza often participated in speech competitions,” continued Ika. Arza is also enthusiastic about joining a speech competition.
His late grandfather was his inspiration to fight on this path. His grandfather was a religious activist in the village where he lived.
Arza’s wishes are of course fully supported by her parents. Ika and her husband also try to provide support and facilitate as much as possible so that Arza can continue to develop and work. He hopes that Arza will be able to achieve what he dreams of.
Remaining humble, Ika admits that her son still has many shortcomings. However, these shortcomings become motivation to learn better.
“Of course there are still many shortcomings in our children. “But God willing, all of this will not decrease our enthusiasm to keep studying and studying to be better,” she concluded.