Ready to Become a Skilled Trainer, Ustadz Condro and Ustadzah Rika Attend Jaya Melati 1


Ustadz Condro and Ustadzah Rika are further developing their role in the Hizbul Wathan (HW) scouting movement. On February 18, 20-23, 2025, they attended the Jaya Melati 1 HW Training organized by the Ponorogo District Headquarters (Kwartir Daerah Ponorogo) at the University of Muhammadiyah Ponorogo (Umpo). This training, which was attended by 37 participants from East Java, is a special training for adult members of the HW Scouting Movement designed to produce quality leaders in each Qobilah.

Through this training, it is hoped that prospective HW trainers will be equipped with the skills and knowledge needed to carry out their roles as skilled trainers.

Showing a burning spirit as HW cadres, Ustadzah Rika also stated that she is ready to apply the knowledge gained and is ready to attend further training.

“God willing, we are ready to attend the next level of training, Jaya Melati 2, which will be held this year,” she concluded.

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