SDMT Held Ramadan Study with Mbah Suronoto

WhatsApp Image 2025-03-10 at 08.22.30

SDMT Ponorogo holds Ramadan study for all teachers and employees. The study was held twice during the fasting month, on March 8 and 15, 2025. The event took place in the hall of SDMT Ponorogo.

The first Ramadhan study was successfully held on Saturday (8/3/2025). Ustadz Hamim Fahrurazi, M.Pd was the first speaker. He commonly called Mbah Suronoto, vice chairman of MPKU, environmental assembly, and cultural arts institution of PDM Ponorogo.

In front of SDMT teachers and employees, Ustadz Hamim discussed Muhammadiyah’s Islamic life guidelines. He reminded that Muhammadiyah brings enlightenment, so as Muhammadiyah cadres, they have an obligation in da’wah. However, he emphasized that the first da’wah is to oneself.

“Da’wah is actually the first for yourself,” he said.

Meanwhile, the head of SDMT Ustadz Jainal Abidin said this Ramadan study activity was to improve the quality of human resources at SDMT Ponorogo.

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