The Fun of Fifth Grader Creating and Reading Acrostic Poems – Poetry as one of the works of Indonesian literature is always included in the list of materials taught at school. There are various types of poetry, one of them is acrostic poetry. This poem is characterized by the use of a letter at the beginning of each line of poetry which, if strung together or read vertically, can form a word or words.
This poem is included as one of the materials in the 5th grade Indonesian Language subject. Ustadzah Habibah, as the 5th grade Indonesian language teacher, did not waste the opportunity to introduce this unique poem to her students.
She invited the students to describe themselves in acrostic poetry. Capitalising on nicknames, the students began to string word by word into a beautiful poem.
Not only creating, Ustadzah Habibah also invited students to read the poems they had written. Poetry reading activities take place during class time in the middle yard. The students practised being brave and confident in front of other students. One by one they read poems on stage, reading their work confidently and bravely. (sdmt)