70 Names of SDMT’s New IPM Team Have Been Chosen, Who Are They?

sdmtponorogo.com – The Team of Muhammadiyah Student Association or called IPM at SDMT Ponorogo changes every year. The IPM Team is the fifth grade students. The formation of the IPM team is certainly accompanied by noble goals to train students to organize and form independent and responsible characters.
141 SDMT fifth grade students participated in the selection of the new IPM team for the 2024-2025 school year. The selection was conducted for approximately two weeks, from 11 September to 27 September 2024.
They had to pass various tests to be able to qualify to become an IPM team. They have to practice assignments of many school activities such are guiding prayers and non-prayers from younger siblings. In addition, there are also written tests, interviews, prayer tests, competency or talent tests, special field practices (KBM patrols and Berlin patrols), and the selection committee will observe the completeness of the participants’ belongings and the implementation of tasks or homework.
All participants must compete to gain the position at the IPM organization. The reason is, this year’s IPM team is only 70 students. But not to worry, 71 students who did not pass the selection still get a noble task from the school. They will be divided into two groups of patrol officers, they are Berlin Patrol and the KBM Discipline Patrol.
For two weeks they were trained. 70 names of new IPM team who will later be referred to as IPM Kids have been chosen by the committee. On Monday (30/9) they will be inaugurated and hand over their positions to the previous year’s IPM.
As expected by the school as conveyed by Ustadzah Rikasari, it is hoped that the IPM team will be able to set a good example for their younger students.
“Children will realize that orderly rules are very necessary for discipline. That is the purpose of the IPM at SDMT.” Ustadzah Rika continued. (TMC)